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Tiny refinery design studio & salon

Dig below the shiny surface of Orange County and discover a secret treasure trove called Tiny ReFinery.

Nestled within an unassuming business park near John Wayne Airport there exists a little converted warehouse space housing a carefully curated collection of restored vintage furniture-- with a socially conscious twist. Here, formerly forsaken chairs, couches and ottomans with stories yet to tell are given second chances as new heirlooms for future generations. Once sold, a portion of the proceeds of each piece are redistributed to organizations which give people second chances. 

Not simply a design studio, Tiny Refinery's two-fold mission is to reform throwaway consumer culture and to reclaim the art of a well-designed life. Just as Tiny Refinery home goods are revitalized in order to elevate every day moments into extraordinary ones, so too is our goal of revitalizing the human spirit through community workshops and events dedicated to the pursuit of contemplation, restoration and wonder. 

IRL (In Real Life) Community Salon

We've taken great care to create a cozy, welcoming space to “unplug” and celebrate live interaction, conversation and most importantly, human connection. Tiny Refinery’s deep roots and wide branches create opportunities for the like and unlike-minded to connect through dynamic, community-building activities. For more details on types of events, please click on our "Events" page. 


About the Founder

Nikkisa Abdollahi

When Nikkisa is not making works of art, she’s creating works of heart. Along with her team of volunteer collaborators, she is co-founder of TEDxYouth@BommerCanyon and the Unveiled Project, and has helped raise awareness of the unique challenges that face our generation. Her community-building events which include Jeffersonian dinners, art shows and talks have helped foster understanding, connection and growth among many Southern California youth and families. A natural extension of this ongoing work, Tiny Refinery hopes to serve as a design hub of creation for greater cross-cultural and intergenerational opportunities which benefit local community members--and beyond-- to our extended global family.